There are distinct differences between male and female brains. Female brains have a larger hippocampus, which usually makes them better at retention and memory. Male brains have a bigger parietal cortex, which helps when fending off an attack. Male brains confront challenges different than female brains. Women are hardwired to communicate with language, detail, empathy. Men? Not so much. It doesn't mean that we're any less capable of emotion. We can talk about our feelings. It's just that, most of the time, we'd really rather not.
Be a man! People say it all the time, but what does that even mean? Is it about strength? Is it about sacrifice? Is it about winning? Maybe it's simpler than that. You have to know when not to "man up." Sometimes it takes a real man to set his ego aside, admit defeat, and simply start all over again.
Saje nk share satu episode cter grey's anatomy of nice songs... kalau nk tau cerita penuh dia cari sendiri yer.. season 7 episode 18... enjoy...
Kadang-kadang ini kelemahanku sebagai manusia biasa....
Sungguh senang untuk jatuh cinta...
Dan memang tidak dinafikan disaat ini ada sedikit cinta dihatiku untukmu....
Aku teringin kau mengetahui apa yang ada dalam hatiku saat ini...
Tapi biarlah Dia yang lebih mengetahui apa yang wujud didalam hati ketika saat ini sedangkan Dia yang menjadikan hati dan Dia juga yang mewujudkan perasaan itu..
Tapi sekali lagi, kau milik ALLAH, bukan milikku....
Jadi biarkan cinta ini kupendam di dalam hatiku....
Dan cukuplah aku mencintaimu dalam diam dari kejauhan dengan kesederhaan dan keikhlasan...
Kerana aku yakin tiada yang tahu rancangan Allah...
Mungkin saja rasa ini ujian yang akan melapuk atau membeku dengan perlahan-lahan...
Ya Allah,
Tenangkan diriku yang terbuai akan cinta palsu...
Sucikan nuraniku yang terbelenggu oleh nafsu...
Bersihkan batinku yang ternoda oleh angan dan harap..
Ya Allah...leraikanlah dunia yang hinggap dalam hatiku..
kerana di situ aku tak mampu mengumpul dua cinta...
Hanya CinTaMu ya ALLAH yang kuharap, karena cinta pada-Mu smpai ke syurga..
"Ya Allah, aku memohon petunjuk daripadaMu dengan ilmuMu dan aku memohon ketentuan daripadaMu dengan kekuasaanMu dan aku memohon daripadaMu akan limpah kurniaanMu yang besar. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Berkuasa sedangkan aku tidak berkuasa dan Engkau Maha Mengetahui sedangkan aku tidak mengetahui dan Engkaulah Yang Maha Mengetahu segala perkara yang ghaib. Ya Allah, seandainya Engkau mengetahui bahawasanya urusan ini (sebutkan..) adalah baik bagiku pada agamaku, kehidupanku dan kesudahan urusanku sama ada cepat atau lambat, takdirkanlah ia bagiku dan permudahkanlah serta berkatlah bagiku padanya da seandainya Engkau mengetahui bahawa urusan ini (sebutkan..) mendatangkan keburukan bagiku pada agamaku, kehidupanku dan kesudahan urusanku sama ada cepat atau lambat, maka jauhkanlah aku daripadanya dan takdirkanlah kebaikan untukku dalam sebarang keadaan sekalipun kemudian redhailah aku dengannya".
(sebutkan urusan yang dimaksudkan di tempat yang bertitik).
Dah lama suka lagu nie sejak umur 5 tahun lagi masa tgk cerita digimon dulu...baru tau maksud lagu!! Just want to share it ... Enjoy this spiritfull song ... =)
(lalaala~mengenang kenangan masa kecik )
If given a second, anyone can give up and run
So just keep on walking
There's something only you can do
So that this blue planet doesn't lose it's light
Seize the dreams you had!
Protect your beloved friends!
You can become stronger
Unknown power dwells in your heart, when its fire is lit
Any wish, it's true
Will surely be me your brave heart
Not every day is sunny, so sometimes
Even though a cold rain is falling, just open your umbrella
There's no map of how to live, that's why we're free
You can go anywhere
Run faster than the wind!
Aim farther than the skies!
You can meet a new you
Unknown courage sleeps in your heart, and when you realize
Ya Allah jika rezeki masih di langit turunkanlah, jika di bumi keluarkanlah, jika sukar permudahkanlah, jika haram sucikanlah, jika jaih dekatkanlah...
Berkat waktu dhuha....
kecantikanmu, keindahanmu,
kekuatanmu, kekuasaanmu...
limpahkan kepadaku segala yang telah engkau limpahkan kepada hamba-hambamu uang soleh...
boy B : I also don't know....maybe something that i done recently...
but it is not my intention to make someone to be sad..or 'kecil hati'
boy A : Do you want to hear a story ?
boy B : No...why would i want to....
boy A : Just hear it may help you to feel better...
boy B : ... =,=''
boy A : Once upon a time,,, there are 2 little girls .. very close friends.. BFF.. soul mate and they always be at each other side when needed...
One day...they playing kite together...and when one of the girl pulling the kite running to make it fly higher...the other girl encouraged her to run faster...
By doing that...the girl run more faster and unfortunately she fallen and wounded herself...because of the wound...he was paralyze and cannot move and run anymore...she will need a wheel chair to move..for the rest of her life....she was so sad and putting the blame on her best friend...because she ask her to run faster....although her's best friend apologize many time already....she still blaming her and don't want to accept her as a friend anymore...
boy B : Its true....that her best friend cause the accident...
boy A : No...
boy B : ??
boy A : It is her own fault...because she become her best friend...because she play with her together ..because she encouraged by her own best friend when she need support...because she so happy being with her....she forget to look in front while happy to see the kite flew happy to see her friend happy by not forgiving her...she will lost the best friend that make her happy ...and she will ride the wheal chair alone...without someone to push it from the back...
boy B : ...
boy A : Remember that if you hurt someone...or being hurt by someone...this is because she or he is close to you....because of your close is easier to make her feel sad..intentionally...or unintentionally..
boy B : Most of the time unintentionally...who want to purposely hurt their own best friend ?
boy A : Haha~~ we'll never know....but the things to remember to forgive...because...if maybe will lose ...a person to support you when you need the most...a person that will be at your side when you need them...a person that you enjoy seeing him/her happy...a person to push your wheel chair.... =)
Dedicated to anyone who have problem with their friends ...
Sangat rugi untuk sesiapa yang tiada kawan baik....tapi lagi rugi...kepada yang ada kawan .. tetapi kehilangan kawannya itu...