Minggu nie baru dapat result untuk final exam sem 3...Alhamdulillah ...syukur sbb pass dalam kebanyakan module...yup...'kebanyakan' module je...x pass semua...masih ada lagi yang sangkut kne resit balik....
Almost pass....almost fail....
Haha....tgk kwn keluar dari bilik check result....' aku almost pass kertas tu....!!! arghhhh....!!' pastu sorg lagi kuar.... ' wahhhh....aku sikit lagi fail ....but pass semua...' ...haha...bagi aku....sama je sikit lagi pass ke sikit lagi fail ke....dua2 da jelas satu fail n satu pass.....so x payah la nk rasa sedih sbb hampir fail ,,,,n x yah la bangga kalau hampir pass....hahaha.....tq to all the lecterer yg support walaupun result teruk but they always have hope in us....the still say ' don't worry...do your best in thes sem...n we will be there to help you ..always...' rahmat rasa dapat lecterer yang baik sangat n caring n never lost hope in us...unlike some lecterer ...not motavating at all...hahaa...tapi x ramai la...semoga mereka phm perasaan kami nie...perlukan moral support untuk bangun balik lepas fail berapa module....
Sub-standard Housemen....??
The sun article about housemen yang makin teruk n malas....produk medical school sekarang nie makin x berkualiti...n nie semua angkara kolej2 perubatan yang tumbuh macam cendawan lepas hujan....dalam artikel nie masing2 menunding jari..medical school salah....kerajaan salah...n semua salah....but the truth is...semua salah..because all did not cooperate with each other in doing smting....goverment said that lecterer in medical school is not good...but then the screening and inspection jarang dilakukan oleh pihak berkenaan to the medical institution....tak
dinafikan...salah student jugak ...because the motivation to become a good doctor is not there....they only taking the degree because of the job n the money...like Dr. Fidel said...this poor attendance...lack of student coming to cubicle to see lecturer....not attending the mini test...poor result is only the symptom of lack of interest in medical studies....semoga my batch is not like that....insyallah....
Ni baru fail kat dunia....kat akhirat???
Reminder for my self also.....kalau fail dalam exam final boleh resit....but kalau fail kat akhirat nanti...?? Lu fikir la sendiri... ^___^
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